Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Personal Interest Presentation

This is the "final exam" for the Frontiers of Science class.
The idea here is to zoom on on sub-area(s) of any of the four topics covered, specifically sub-area(s) that especially interest you

I am focusing on the use of nanotechnology and NanoPower in current and future space exploration. To put it more lyrically,

"Space, the final NanoPower frontier"

To be honest, good sci-fi works can have quite a potential to be inspiring as to the course of scientific advancement.

A centerprice of our classroom is a widevision screen that, among other things, could display 4 PowerPoint-type slides at a time, and we have a PowerPoint template file designed to work with that.

The crux of my Personal Interest Presentation s going to be one of those, which is a process I've also used for the three topic summaries I've done to date.
The format is one I understand, and I'm also using it because I'll hopefully be able to focus on content rather on the logistical & production issues of a more exotic format

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