Friday, May 9, 2008

Today's activity

Our tour guide - a Dr. Ferran

This is a bioscience research lab that I share with a couple other faculty

Dr. Sweet's aquarium - large amount of pencil urchins
She is a developmental biologist - studies organisms' gestation/etc.

Dr. Newman - human geneticist; studies generic patterns of age-related deafness
Human genetics & molecular analysis

Lots of collaboration in here with other people in the field

A lot undergraduate research assistants [they atleast get credit for it]

We don't run in to too many problems with the animal-welfare and religious-fanatic types

The Human Genome Project - provided a lot of raw data that we're just beginning to work with.

"Why couldn't God have released the source code with the binaries?" :P
More work needs to be done on proteins, though ("the devil's in the details.")

We are now in cell-culture room
Not sterile but still above-average cleanliness
UV lightboxes have a sterilization effect

Some issue of our body contaminating the experiment, rather than the experiment contaminating us. (The types of pathogens we work with aren't seriously harmful to humans)

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