Wednesday, April 2, 2008

(4/2/08) - From Big Bang to Black Holes

Most of what we know about the universe comes from our analysis of electromagnetic radiation (i.e. light)

Light is like a wave
Electronic wave and magnetic wave oscillate together

Black hole in center of galaxy = 1 million times the mass of the sun
The Sun = a basic unit of measurement

ergs = g*cm^2 / second^2

Solar luminosity = 3.8 * 10^33 ergs/s

Mass: 2 * 10^30 kg
Age of universe: 13.7 billion years
Speed of light = 3 * 10^8 m/s
parsec = 3.26 light years

Special Relativity

2 main components:
* The laws of physics ar ehte same in any inertial frame
* The speed of light is the same for all observers in an inertial frame

Spacetime is 4-dimensional

A frame in which unaccelerated objects move in straight lines is an inertial frame

A globally inertial frame is a frame that covers all spacetime

Addition of speeds

Walking 5 mph, Bus 30mph, difference 25mph

Rocket 100,000km/s, Light 300,000km/s

Difference appears differently because the observers involved see spacetime differently

Time dilation: the time lapse between 2 events changes from one observer to another; it is dependent on the relative speed of the observers

Lorentz contraction - the dimensions of an object as measured by one observer may be smaller than that of another observer

This also has implications for how gravity works

Newtonian gravity: F = G (m1 m2)/r^2

General Relativity: mass-energy causes spacetime to curve

Objects, including light, follow the shortest path in curved spacetime

Gravity = curvature of spacetime

Clocks more slowly the closer they are to a gravitational mass

Sun's gravity would bend light coming from background stars

Time slows near any massive body. Slows down even near Earth. [albeit in very small amounts - 4 parts in 10 billion]

The angular momentum of a rotating body drags space into a tornado-like whirl around it. (small whirl

Will see object differently if a mass is on the way. This is called a "gravitational lens".

When the gravitational lens is perfectly aligned with the background object, the background object is modified into an Einstein Ring

Black holes - so much mass in such a small space that the spacetime warp is extreme

Nothing can escape, not even light

Detect black holes by their gravitational effect on nearby object

Stars, specially those near Galactic Center, are detected orbiting it

Supermassive black holes probably exist at the centers of most galaxies
Called galactic nuclei
Could have come about or become larger during galactic mergers

Collision of two black holes is the most violent event in the universe
* Produces wild vibrations of warped spacetime

Black holes related to their host galaxies: "chicken & egg" problem
* galaxy formation far enough back in time that we can't really tell
* Hypothesis: growing together

What happens in a black hole, stays on a black hole. This is how black holes build mass.

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