Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Brain sections:

Frontal lobe: infront
Parietal lobe: behind the frontal lobe
Temporal lobe: bottom (has to do with the word 'temple', not 'time')
Occipital lobe: at the back and underside; the vision center

Temporal lobe: wraps around amyglada and hippocampus
Corpus collosum: a collection of wires that helps integration of left and right hemishperes

Occipital lobe "breaks down" into area that handle different visual functions

V1= Striped cortex = primary visual cortex = Area 17
A progression from V1 to V2, etc; but some signals skip a few laters

The five basic senses "hub" in the parietal lobe

Olfactory bulb: brain component in front center of brain, goes right to center of brain on its own sensory pathway

flavor = taste + smell

-Structure of a nerve cell-
Soma (neuron cell body) sprouting dendrites that connect to other nerve cells: 5000-10000 conenctions

Axon inside myelin sheath (myelin sheath is white; hence 'white matter'); signal travels down that axon to 'terminal buttons', the 'terminal buttons' conencting to other neurons

Small voltagde differences (70 millivolts) accumulate across the dendrites. Huge depolarization causes a neuroncharge to fire
Elctrodes can be placed directly in brain; but it's a last-ditch process.

Electrodes outisde/on the skin a different story

epileptic focus often in parietal-temporal-occipetal junction

Electrode cap - 20 electrodes: A1 and A2 (on the ears are a reference point compared to the brain activity at other points

EEG's produce a waveform patter that's different depending on the activity in question, and whether part(s) of the brian are damaged

EEGs look over seconds' worth of data
fMRI's look over minutes' worth of data

ERPs - event-related-potential [EEG-measured stimulus response

Sigt experiments: measuring responses to being told to look through certian things. Can sput a certian feature within milliseconds.

80-100ms for signal to go from eye to visual cortex

CAT scan - digitized X-ray

MRI studies brain anatomy - an MRI system would image whatever's put in
fMRIs study brain function

The whopping strength of the MRI magnet makes safety essential. Things fly - even big things. :)
Similar visual equipment in other hemishpere

Actual gray matter is 2 millimeters thick, 6 layers, 1 at outside, 6 at bottom. 3 and 4 are I/O layers, others focus on internal processing

up/down and left/right are reversed in the brain.

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