Friday, March 28, 2008

Topic Summaries

Topic summaries are a major part of this class' assignment mix.
They consist, of, well, a summary of each topic the class covered. (There are four separate documents involved; one for each of the four topics)

We're given latitude in what format to use.

Common is the old standby; PowerPoint (However, this has to be done well; not just simple bulleted text and the like)

Our classroom has some special equipment that can be summed up as a 'immersive environment'. A large part of this is a wide special screen, which actually seems to consist of four panels. Easier to see, and with the capability of displaying more information at a time. One of the things it can do is display four slides' worth of information at a time, and I am using for my topic summary a Power Point template designed to work with this feature.

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